Pallada2009 for MetaTrader 4
01 June- 31 June Pallada SE results : 554 points profit
1) 2009.06.01 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.01 22:00 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4146. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4102. Profit 44 points
b) 2009.06.02 12:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4201. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4213. Profit 12 points
2) 2009.06.03 EURUSD

2009.06.03 10:30 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4224. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4207. Profit 17 points
3) 2009.06.04 EURUSD

2009.06.04 09:30 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4229. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4156. Loss 73 points
4) 2009.06.04 EURUSD

2009.06.04 12:00 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4156. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4109. Profit 47 points
5) 2009.06.05 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.05 09:00 Buy signal. First level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.4217. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.4246. Other lots will be closed on breakeven. Profit 29 points
b) 2009.06.05 14:30 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4109. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4053. Profit 56 points
6) 2009.06.09 EURUSD

2009.06.09 09:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.3945. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.3989. 2nd lot will be closed at 1.4020, 3rd at 1.3989. Profit 163 points
7) 2009.06.10 EURUSD

2009.06.10 15:30 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4030. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4023. Profit 7 points
8) 2009.06.11 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.11 06:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4040. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3993. Loss 47 points
b) 2009.06.11 09:00 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.3994. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4038. Loss 132 points
c) 2009.06.11 15:30 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.4038. Trailing will close 1 lot at 1.4118. 2nd lot will be closed at 1.4154, 3rd at 1.4118. Profit 276 points
9) 2009.06.12 EURUSD

2009.06.12 10:30 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 3 lot at 1.4053. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.4032.Other lots will be closed on breakeven. Profit 21 points
10) 2009.06.16 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.16 07:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 3 lot at 1.3846. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3866.Other lots will be closed on breakeven. Profit 20 points
b) 2009.06.16 20:00 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3831. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3872. Loss 41 points
11) 2009.06.17 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.17 06:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3872. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3922. Profit 50 points
b) 2009.06.17 13:30 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3826. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3887. Loss 61 points
c) 2009.06.17 14:30 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3887. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3923. Profit 35 points
12) 2009.06.18 EURUSD

2009.06.18 19:30 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 3 lot at 1.3912. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.3899. 2nd lot will be closed on 1.3881. 3rd on 1.3899 . Profit 57 points
13) 2009.06.19 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.19 17:30 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3997. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3911. Loss 86 points
b) 2009.06.22 02:00 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3911. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3848. Profit 63 points
14) 2009.06.23 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.23 09:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3889. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3894. Profit 5 points
b) 2009.06.24 13:00 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4028. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3980. Profit 48 points
15) 2009.06.25 EURUSD

2009.06.25 19:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4005. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4030. Profit 25 points
16) 2009.06.29 EURUSD

a) 2009.06.29 03:00 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.4028. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.4065. Loss 37 points
b) 2009.06.29 13:00 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.4065. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.4121.Other lots will be closed on breakeven. Profit 56 points