Securities Portfolio Management
Professional securities portfolio management gives Investors benefits resulting from the specialization and know-how of the managing company. We have created a large team of specialists whose sole objective is to conduct analyses and make investment decisions. TradeWays experience and results have positioned the brokerage house among the leading asset management institutions.Securities portfolio management consists in the investment and management of a Client's assets by the brokerage house on behalf and account of the Client, in accordance with the selected investment strategy and under the Management Agreement and Regulations.
The Client remains at all times the sole owner of the assets entrusted to the brokerage house, whereas investment decisions are made by investment advisers employed by TradeWays LTD
The portfolio management agreement is concluded for a period of 12 months.
The required minimum initial investment is USD 10,000.
The portfolios are customised to individual Client's needs. Each one reflects other Client preferences and requirements as regards acceptable risk while using the opportunity to invest funds within a precisely defined investment strategy.
The offering comprises three standard types of portfolio:
Risk-free portfolio
"3 ? 3" balanced portfolio
Stock "6 ? 3" portfolio
Risk-free securities portfolio in foreign currencies
Dividend portfolio
and upon consultation with an investment advisor, it is also possible to create an individually customised portfolio, in the value of at least USD 100,000.
Advantages of professional securities portfolio management
Costs minimization
Management of assets by an investment company involves much lower fees and transaction costs than those charged to individual investors.
Depending on the type of portfolio, all the funds or the greater part thereof, are invested in State Treasury debt instruments or shares of the best companies representing leading sectors of the economy.
100% allocation of funds
The entrusted funds are continually invested and all profits thus earned are reivested in accordance with the adopted investment strategy.
Tax-free income
Returns on the portfolio are exempt from income tax.*
Reports and information
Investors receive monthly reports about the current value of their portfolio. Statements are delivered within 14 days after the end of every month.
Treasury debt securities portfolio
Composition of the portfolio
This type of portfolio consists solely of State Treasury debt instruments (bonds and Treasury bills), bank deposits and cash.
Portfolio profile
this is an extremely secure type of portfolio, designed to offset the effects of inflation on the value of assets, and generate higher yield than Treasury bills
bonds that are not quoted on the Exchange are excluded from risk-free portfolios
returns generated by the portfolio are credited to the Client's portfolio and used in accordance with re-invested in accordance with the adopted investment strategy
"3 ? 3" balanced portfolio
Composition of the portfolio
40% to 60% of the portfolio - shares of 9 companies from the sectors of economy considered to have the strongest growth potential;
and the remaining 40% to 60% of the portfolio value is invested in bonds, Treasury bills, bank deposits and cash.
Portfolio profile
a share of none of the sectors may exceed 25% of the portfolio value
a share of none of the companies may exceed 10% of the portfolio value
the investment strategy precludes purchase and subscription for shares in a primary offering and an initial public offering
it is possible to purchase shares on the primary market within the exercise of pre-emptive rights
returns generated by the portfolio are credited to the Client's portfolio and used in accordance with the adopted investment strategy.
Stock "6 ? 3" portfolio
Portfolio profile
a share of none of the sectors may exceed 50% of the portfolio value
a share of none of the companies may exceed 15% of the portfolio value
this investment strategy precludes the purchase and subscription for shares in a primary offering and an initial public offering
it is possible to purchase shares on the primary market within the exercise of pre-emptive rights
returns generated by the portfolio are credited to the Client's portfolio and used in accordance with the adopted investment strategy
Treasury debt securities portfolio in foreign currencies
Portfolio profile
minimum value of the portfolio: 100,000 USD or EUR
expected return on investment exceeds standard interest earned on bank foreign currency deposits (after
portfolio management costs - about 4-5% per annum)
investments in instruments that meet high profitability and security standards
supplementing other investments with professional placements in the segment of debt instruments denominated in foreign currencies
medium portfolio assets liquidity
low investment risk
Dividend portfolio
Composition of the portfolio
The portfolio includes: shares of publicly traded companies (not less than 75% of the portfolio value), debt securities and cash (up to 25% of the portfolio value).
Portfolio profile
the portfolio may comprise only shares of companies paying out dividend and the WIG 20 index companies, in whose case the payment of the current-year dividend is highly probable.
the share of none of the companies may exceed 20% of the portfolio value.
it is possible to purchase and subscribe for shares within an Initial Public Offering and the first offering.