Pallada2009 for MetaTrader 4
01 April - 31 April Pallada SE results : 1014 points profit
1) 2009.04.01 EURUSD

2009.04.01 12:30 Buy signal. First level signal. We enter with 3 lots at 1.3257. Trailing will automatically close 1st lot at 1.3328. 2nd - at 1.3351. 3rd- at 1.3389. Profit 297 points
2) 2009.04.03 EURUSD

a) 2009.04.03 14:30 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.3396. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.3370.Other 2 lots will be closed on breakeven. Profit 26 points
a) 2009.04.03 20:00 Buy signal. First level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3464. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3540. Profit 76 points
3) 2009.04.06 EURUSD

2009.04.06 14:00 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.3484. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.3473.2nd - at 1.3446. 3rd- at 1.3405. Profit 128 points
4) 2009.04.08 EURUSD

2009.04.08 12:30 Buy signal. First level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3248. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3274. Profit 26 points
5) 2009.04.09 EURUSD

2009.04.09 13:00 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3235. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3205. Profit 30 points
6) 2009.04.10 EURUSD

2009.04.10 21:30 Buy signal. First level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.3173. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.3229.2nd - at 1.3253. 3rd- at 1.3293. Profit 256 points
7) 2009.04.14 EURUSD

2009.04.14 12:00 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3262. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3240. Profit 22 points
8) 2009.04.16 EURUSD

a) 2009.04.16 07:00 Sell signal. First level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.3194. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.3145.Other 2 lots will be closed on breakeven. Profit 49 points
b) 2009.04.16 17:00 Sell signal. Re-enter signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3182. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3145.Profit 37 points
9) 2009.04.21 EURUSD
2009.04.21 15:30 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.2964. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.2977.Profit 13 points
10) 2009.04.22 EURUSD

2009.04.22 02:30 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.2920. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.2951. Loss 31 point
11) 2009.04.22 EURUSD

a) 2009.04.22 13:30 Buy signal. First level signal. Enter with 3 lots at 1.2957. Trailing will automatically close 1 lot at 1.2984. 2nd lot will be closed at 1.3003, 3rd at 1.3030. Profit 146 points
b) 2009.04.23 07:00 Buy signal. Re-enter signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3025. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3031.Profit 6 points
12) 2009.04.27 EURUSD

2009.04.27 02:00 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3179. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3099. Profit 80 points
13) 2009.04.28 EURUSD

2009.04.28 16:30 Buy signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3073. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3143. Profit 70 points
14) 2009.04.30 EURUSD

2009.04.30 14:00 Sell signal. First Level signal. Enter with 1 lot at 1.3270. Trailing will automatically close lot at 1.3289. Loss 57 point